ICANN Mandated Domain Validation for ALL gTLDs*
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) has changed the RAA (Registrar Accreditation Agreement). This fundamentally affects how your gTLDs (generic top level domains) are managed via all registrars.
The revised RAA has vastly increased the responsibilities of domain registrars and registrants in a bid to reduce the number of orphaned and lost domains (i.e. domains for which the registrant's contact information is either not available or invalid). This may also help in the handling of disputes that arise over domain ownerships.
All domain names must have accurate contact information associated with them in accordance with ICANN's new RAA. This information is based on what you provide at the time you register a domain name, or update it, and can be found and corrected within your Domain Manager Account (DMA). You must supply accurate and valid contact details for all your domains, even if you are using any Privacy service to shield your details.

*ICANN gTLDs ONLY (.com, .net & .org)
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